Sam Roberts
Restoration Period: My Monotype Recorder Article Now Available to Read Online
Extended article examining what to do about ghost signs in terms of conservation, restoration, and protection.
30 Nov 2020
The Future of Ghostsigns’ Walking Tours
After much deliberation I have taken the decision to cease leading my public walking tours after the last one in May this year. That means there are just two dates left for each of my Stoke Newington and Bankside walks. I will continue to offer private tours to larger groups, students and corporate clients, and […]
2 Feb 2018
Chasing Ghosts for the Coca-Cola Company
I was recently invited by the Coca-Cola Company to write a piece about ghost signs for their website. It turned into something of a summary of my journey over the last 11 years since noticing my first ever fading painted advertisement. Read it here [Link expired], and see more of my writing on signs and […]
19 Jan 2018
On Tour with Albani Calusin and RMIT
Back in March last year I had the pleasure of taking two groups from Melbourne’s RMIT on my Stoke Newington Ghostsigns Walk. This was the second time I’ve worked with the University on their special European study tour and, again, it was a really enjoyable experience with two bright and enthusiastic groups. Following the study […]
5 Jan 2018
Five of the Best: Books about Ghost Signs
Over the years I’ve tried to seek out and review books about ghost signs here on the blog. Here is a set of recommendations drawn from these, focused on those in English. In a future blog post I’ll feature work published in other languages. 1 Ghost Signs: Brick Wall Signs in America by Wm. Stage […]
19 Oct 2017
Fading Ads of Gloucester by Chris West
Fading Ads of Gloucester extends the current series from the History Press in the UK, USA, and Ireland. The material has been researched and gathered by Chris West, graphic designer for the publisher. The format of the titles in the series varies but this one opts for some very brief introductory comments, before moving into […]
29 Apr 2017