Month: July 2007
Southborough Butchers
Driving back to London from a wedding this weekend I pulled over in Southborough to take a picture of this sign. It’s obviously been maintained and I like the effect used on the corners. Like the Vaneers ad it features an old style phone number, this one for Tunbridge Wells 529 757. However, my favourite […]
John Brown’s Whiskies
Yesterday I hopped on the bike and went out to follow up some leads given to me by friends. On my way to the first sign, the great Spitalfields Gillette, I went past three or four in the same area that I hadn’t expected to see. This is generally the nature of ‘hunting’, that new […]
Literary London
Today Sebastian Groes and I presented a session on Ghost Signs to c.40 international delegates at the Literary London conference. This is an event run by the Literary London journal and the key focus this year was representations of London in literature. Despite some technical difficulties early on we eventually got the projector working, albeit […]
Guinness & John Gilroy
One way in which brickads are revealed is when an adjoining building is demolished. The standard of preservation in these cases is often emaculate, as the sign has been protected from the elements and sandblasters. This example from Cardiff in the long running Guinness campaign is in fantastic condition and the question is whether it […]
Ghost Signs Live (India?)
Painting Wall-Ads Originally uploaded by .Hessam In a flurry of discoveries on the painting of Modern Brickads I came across this from .Hessam. It again shows an intricate sign being produced and you can see the artist’s miniture design sheet perched against the wall in front of his foot. I can’t read the text but […]
Ghost Signs Live (Dewars)
Just came across this on Erniesmallz blog. It’s the team from Colossal Media at work on a creation for Dewars It’s great to see the painting live at such close range, someone has to film this next time! They are using very fine brushes to create a really detailed brickad, I wonder what the finished […]