11 Mar 2008
Ghost Signs Received (UK)
Having been fairly busy over the last few months at work and on my course I’ve only been making the occasional posts of things that people have sent to me. What has resulted is a slight backlog of pictures and so these posts will pull these together along geographic lines (London, UK, Europe and USA).
All the pictures are creditted and thank you to everyone who has sent them to me. I’m always looking for new images, locations and bits of research so if you’d like to share your signs and stories just email them to me on ghostsigns at gmail dot com (you can work it out!).
So, here are some signs from around the UK, excluding London, sent to me by Alex, Ben, Duncan and Jenni.
This was once a top brand of radio set and this sign from Southampton has been almost perfectly preserved by an adjacent building. The demolition of this has revealed the c.1930 sign again which is most distinctive. More on the radios can be found here.
This sign is from Bath (note the distinctive bricks on the wall). I have heard that Ghost Signs in Bath are often well preserved and almost protected because of the City’s approach to conservation in general as a heritage site.
I’m guessing that the full name is Power but the top line of the sign is only partially visible. Anti-knock petrol has something to do with the addition of other chemicals/elements into the petrol to improve performance e.g. lead. This sign is from Reigate.
This sign is from Bickerton and look like it has so far escaped the attention of the modern sign poster below. Ben Hoare who took the photo also featured in the Pulse of the Planet competition that ran recently.