Ghost Signs & Light Capsules in Winnipeg
Ghost signs & light capsules in Winnipeg are the focus of Writing on the Wall, a short film about the city and the work that has been done to document and preserve them.
4 Jan 2021
The Fascinating Legacy of Neon in Warsaw, Poland
Watch Eric Bednarski’s film ‘Neon’ and discover more neon and ghost signs highlights from the 2020 Neon Speaks festival.
9 Nov 2020
F.W. Woolworth Co. and the Winston-Salem Sit-Ins
Absolutely fascinating investigation uncovering the historical connections between two glass signs for F.W. Woolworth Co. and the Winston-Salem sit-ins that played a major role in the American Civil Rights movement. (Watch on here.) Hat tip to Meredith at the Pre-Vinylite Society for spotting this, and to PBS for creating the documentary.
30 Nov 2018
When Better Letters Met Cliff Headford
This is a reposting of the article that originally appeared here on the Better Letters blog. On 4th July 2016 I received the following email in response to a book I was working on at the time: I care for an elderly gentleman in Bristol, now nearly 96, who was a sign painter after the […]
1 Jul 2017
R.N. Cattle & Son in Harvey Gould’s Soho
This fascinating video about Soho features longtime resident Harvey Gould talking about the people and places that he remembers from the area. At 10:48 he discusses the painted wooden sign for R.N. Cattle & Son in Portland Mews. He then heads up the mews itself to reveal the ghost of cricket stumps once painted onto […]
21 Dec 2014
London Shop Fronts on London Live
Following last week’s post about Shopfrontelegy, here’s a short film from the Secret London section of new TV station London Live. It’s based on the work of Emily Webber who writes the London Shop Fronts blog.
6 Aug 2014