18 Nov 2009
The Ritual Project
Stella Artois and Colossal Media are collaborating in New York to use hand painted advertising over 21 days to demonstrate the ‘ritual’ of pouring a glass of Stella. This ritual involves nine steps and by day 11 they’re on step three, mainly due to adverse weather conditions. It’s going to be a busy ten days in NYC!
What’s interesting about the project is that they are using the same wall with a new design over a short period of time rather than putting up one advertisement and leaving it there. This creates a more dynamic use of the medium than I’ve seen before and clearly sets up wider PR and profiling opportunities for their work. I don’t think it’ll be long until we see something similar this side of the pond.
It’s also fascinating to read the descriptions and observations of the work in progress via the journal. The work is also being filmed to create video and time lapse film content to support the efforts of the artists.
On day ten the team got in touch with me after finding the blog online and did a little write up about the project in their journal entry for that day.
Go have a look, here are a couple of examples of the stuff you’ll find, I’ll do another write up once the project wraps up: