Hand-Painted Gambia (and Jamaican Bonus)
A recent trip to a wedding in The Gambia, West Africa, was another piece of delight for a hand painted signage enthusiast like me. In a similar fashion to my February visit to Bangladesh I was often distracted by the variety of forms found in the small part of the country we visited. Also like […]
27 May 2012
Hand Painted Bangladesh
As part of my work with VSO I recently attended a study tour to Bangladesh, a country with many similarities to Cambodia but also many differences. The study was great but I have to admit that I was perpetually distracted by the sheer quantity and (often) quality of hand painted signage, decoration and other forms […]
2 Feb 2012
Ghostsigns World Tour
Perhaps being in Cambodia has sensitised me to the world of Ghostsigns beyond my home shores. Or maybe awareness of the project has encouraged those from around the world to make contact. Whatever it is, I thought it was time for a round-up of what’s landed in my inbox and surfaced on my internet radar […]
21 Jul 2011
Latest Received (sort of…)
Its been a while since I’ve posted some images received and I’ll probably be doing less of this as the Flickr group for the ghostsigns archive is now the natural home for all submissions, at least those from the UK and Ireland. However, I’ve been sitting on some pictures for a while now which its […]
25 May 2009
Ghost Signs Received
Having been busy on my dissertation I have been neglecting to feature all the signs that I get sent by friends and readers of this blog. The last time I did a profile like this was back in March 2008 when I showed some examples from London, Europe and the USA. So here are some […]
29 Jan 2009
Sweet Caporal (Canada)
George from Alberta, Canada, sent me this great sign from a town called Medicine Hat and a bit of a story to go with it. It is an example of ‘privelege’ advertising as the wall probably belonged to Pingle’s Drug & Book Store who would have given it over to Sweet Caporal in return for […]
8 Nov 2007