27 May 2012
Hand-Painted Gambia (and Jamaican Bonus)
A recent trip to a wedding in The Gambia, West Africa, was another piece of delight for a hand painted signage enthusiast like me. In a similar fashion to my February visit to Bangladesh I was often distracted by the variety of forms found in the small part of the country we visited. Also like Bangladesh, I was doing most travelling by car and therefore only getting to photograph a limited number of signs. Here is a little photo essay to show what I found, hand painted and otherwise…
And now as a little ‘compare and contrast’ bonus here are some hand painted signs from Jamaica. The pictures were all taken by Gilly Clifford and it is interesting to note the similarity in terms of the illustration of the goods available for purchase. Does anyone have any other material from West Africa or the Caribbean to see if this is just coincidence or indicative of a wider stylistic symmetry between these locations?