18 Nov 2009
Jo Tomkins

Earlier this year Jo Tomkins, then a student from Ravensbourne College, got in touch for some advice on her graphic design project focused on Stoke Newington ghostsigns. I tried to help out as much as I could and so I was really happy when she sent through the final output of the project, a folding Stokie tourist trail passing the key signs in the area. This not only digs into some of the local history but also contains commentary on the typographical features and, as a real bonus, suggestions of where to stop for coffee and cake along the route marked out.
It’s a really neat piece of work: tactile, beautifully laid out and crafted to bring to life the unusually high number of signs in N16. It was personally a hugely relevant and enjoyable piece to be partially involved with given my connections to the area and the fact that one of the featured signs is really what kicked the whole thing off in the first place.

Thanks for involving me Jo and good luck with your future career in graphic design.