19 Oct 2007
Bovril & Greys
Andy sent me this great double sign from Bedford in response to my appeal for world record contenders. Although it isn’t a multitude of signs, the quality of preservation is exceptional. Either they’ve been retouched or they have been preserved by a billboard/adjacent building. redgrittybrick says of the Greys signs:
” I believe the “Greys” refers to the Royal Scots Greys regiment – hence the guardsman in the advert”.
This is now the third example of Bovril‘s painted advertising that I’ve come across and it surprises me that, despite the consistency of the capital letters, they’re corporate colours appear to be all over the place. This is either because the signs come from different eras or because Bovril didn’t issue specific colouring information with their painters guides. In stark contrast to this is the work from Gillette where the typography and colouring are both consistent and striking.