RIP: A.E. Piggott & Sons, Leicester
This large canal-side ghostsign has fallen victim to the demolition of its host building in Leicester. More details of the location can be seen on Amy’s photo of the sign on Flickr where it is also noted that it made a cameo in the first Walkers crisps commercial featuring Gary Lineker (0:36 and 0:55 below). […]
19 Sep 2012
Ghostsigns and Smiths Grand Teas in the Countryman
This photo by John Vince features in a short piece he’s written on ghostsigns for the Countryman. The sign, from Leicestershire, also features in the History of Advertising Trust Ghostsigns Archive and has the wonderful ‘act local’ line of “Carefully blended to suit the water of the district”. It also has a remarkably diverse set of […]
1 Sep 2012
My Leicestershire Digital Archive
Colin Hyde from the Centre for Urban History at Leicester University sent me an email with a fascinating link today. It is to a project he has been curating over the last couple of years which features an unrivalled collection of Ghostsigns from the county of Leicestershire. What is most interesting about the c.250 images in […]
16 May 2011
Leicester Ghost Signs
Browsing some of the vast and ever growing collection of photos in the Flickr Ghost Signs pool I came across a nice collection taken by Amy Jane Barnes in Leicester. Here are three of my favourites. Thank you to Amy for letting me feature them on the site and do visit her ongoing photo-a-day project […]
4 Apr 2008