Return of the Poland Street Ghost Signs
Art restorers Plowden & Smith have brought back the pair of ghost signs at the entrance to the car park on Poland Street, funded by Westminster Council.
13 Sep 2021
Whitewashing History at Poland Street Car Park
Whitewashing History at Poland Street Car Park looks at a pair of Soho ghost signs for BP Energol and Regent Remoulds that were covered by graffiti before being whitewashed.
1 Mar 2021
Fonts Inspired by Ghost (and other) Signs
Earlier this year I was lucky to attend the launch of Lost & Foundry, a collection of fonts created and published by Fontsmith in collaboration with M&C Saatchi. They are inspired by various of pieces of historic signage in Soho, and funds raised from their sale all goes to support the charitable work of the […]
26 Oct 2018
R.N. Cattle & Son in Harvey Gould’s Soho
This fascinating video about Soho features longtime resident Harvey Gould talking about the people and places that he remembers from the area. At 10:48 he discusses the painted wooden sign for R.N. Cattle & Son in Portland Mews. He then heads up the mews itself to reveal the ghost of cricket stumps once painted onto […]
21 Dec 2014