RSPA health and safety posters, original mid-20th Century artworks found
Fascinating discovery at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, video here, images here.
31 May 2012
Stella Artois vs Newcastle Brown Ale
Nice fun poking in New York (via Sell Sell). In Stella’s defence they did do one of the more impressive pieces of modern hand painted work in that city. That said, chalice does seem a little poncy and I’ll stick to calling a glass a glass.
1 May 2012
Will Bristol Ban Outdoor Advertising?
This article highlights a petition to ban outdoor advertising in Bristol which, if successful, would mean it joins Auckland and Sao Paolo among others. This Howard Gossage article offers perhaps one of the most compelling critiques of the outdoor format
26 Apr 2012
When letter-press meets hand painted advertising on walls: San Miguel Fresca posters
I’m briefly back in London and it is hard not to notice this poster campaign for San Miguel’s new summer beer, Fresca. (That might have something to do with the fact that 10,000 locations feature the work.) Created by the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi it has involved a collaboration with letter-press artist Alan Kitching to give a distinctive […]
13 Apr 2012
Hand painted propaganda from Chairman Mao and the cultural revolution
Collection of seven images here. Apparently these large handpainted and wall mounted posters were called ‘dazibao’ which means big character poster.
4 Apr 2012
Posters coming to life in 1906
A funny little film depicting an increasingly aggressive poster coming to life in Paris. Made by George Melies, sent to me by Joe Thompson.
11 Feb 2012