Return of the Poland Street Ghost Signs
Art restorers Plowden & Smith have brought back the pair of ghost signs at the entrance to the car park on Poland Street, funded by Westminster Council.
13 Sep 2021
Whitewashing History at Poland Street Car Park
Whitewashing History at Poland Street Car Park looks at a pair of Soho ghost signs for BP Energol and Regent Remoulds that were covered by graffiti before being whitewashed.
1 Mar 2021
Danish Ghostsigns in Copenhagen
Ghostsigns are a truly global phenomenon and the latest installment on my virtual travels comes courtesy of Hanne Andersen from Copenhagen, Denmark. She says that it’s her ‘hobby to find them’ and the evidence here is that the Danish were no slouches when it came to producing large-scale painted wall advertisements. As in the UK, […]
5 Feb 2014
BP, Kings Cross Road, London, WC1 (July 2007) BP, Kings Cross Road, London, WC1 (November 2009) It’s been a while since this happened but those based in London may have noticed the erection of some new flats on Kings Cross Road which now obscure the vast majority of this BP sign that was once there. […]
12 Nov 2009
BP (British Petrol) Revealed
This sign was partially covered for a long time but, just the other day, the modern poster was taken down revealing an old ad for British Petrol (BP) and some other ads faded behind but in a similar colour. The history of the logo indicates that this sign may well date from pre-1930.
18 Jun 2007