15 Jan 2012
Belgravia Ghost Sign Restored
Before (2006/7)
News in this week is that a restoration effort has been undertaken in the heart of London’s Belgravia. It has been directed at what was once a very faded sign for a horse infirmary (see two more of my pictures from c.2006/7 below). It was instigated by Belgravia Garage, as the infirmary sign represented the origins of their current business. As a result they wrote it up in their magazine (click image to read the text and see a clearer photo of the restored sign):
It is interesting to see this sign added to the various examples of restoration work across the country, especially quite soon after my post about the issues surrounding the repainting of ghostsigns. Perhaps what is most remarkable about this one is the location, one of London’s most expensive residential areas. Coincidentally it is very close to the home of the IPA where the launch event for the Ghostsigns Archive took place.
Once again, this appears to be symbolic of the increased esteem in which ghostsigns held. I once commented that the best way to protect the signs is not through legal means but by convincing property owners of their worth. If the owners of property in Belgravia are starting to recognise this value then perhaps this is a sign of things to come…