9 Mar 2018
London Street Signs with Alistair Hall

Alistair Hall of We Made This has spent the last couple of years documenting and researching the various forms taken by London’s Street Signs. He is set to present his findings in a lecture at St Bride on 31 May, so of course I’ve bought a ticket.
I’m very happy to see an example in the images below from the defunct, but not lost, NE postcode which is local to me. Also, above, the double palimpsest of old painted street names overlaid with the modern mounted sign. It’ll be exciting to hear what Alistair has uncovered in terms of their origins and evolution over time.
There is a bit more context to the project here on the We Made This blog, and regular updates being posted to the London Street Nameplates Instagram feed. Thanks for sharing the images, and see you in May for the talk.