Wien Museum
Writing Off the Wall: The Wholesale Removal of a Viennese Ghost Sign
Last summer an extraordinary project took place in Vienna, Austria, with the aim of removing an early-20th Century ghost sign for Adolf Grünsfeld, in its entirety, from its host wall. It’s end destination would be the permanent display at the city’s Wien Museum. Tom Koch, who produced this film documenting the project, has written about […]
12 Oct 2020
Kotanyi Paprika: Stunning Vienna Reveal
Looking barely aged since it was painted in 1963, this fabulous ghostsign for Kotanyi Paprika has just been revealed in Vienna, Austria. The demolition of the adjacent building fortuitously precedes the publication of Ghost Letters of Vienna, and happened just in time to make it onto the cover of the book. (See previous post about […]
29 Sep 2016
Ghost Letters of Vienna
Ghost Letters of Vienna is a project to photographically document the wide range of fading fascias, and other forms of redundant lettering, on buildings in the Austrian capital. I met with the project leader, Tom Koch, during his recent visit to London, and have offered a Ghostsigns Walking Tour as one of the prizes in […]
18 May 2016