S. Sadler, Brick Lane
This beautiful glass fascia was captured by Brian Heppell after being revealed briefly in 2014 during the fitting of new signage at 192 Brick Lane, London E1. I have looked for S. Sadler by name in the trades section of a number of Victorian and early 20th Century street directories but nothing has come up. […]
17 Nov 2017
This is a huge sign for London and is tucked away round the back of Shoreditch High Street/Kingsland Road. It was painted in order to be highly visible from the nearby train line and has the old style way of writing phone numbers, SHO (Shoreditch) being 746. Out of view on this picture is the 7 […]
25 Jun 2007
Blooms Pianos
I photographed this fantastic sign today after going past it so many times on the bus. It’s just by the Geoffrey Museum in Shoreditch and is covered at this time of year by a big tree. I had to do a bit of monkey-style climbing to get onto the roof underneath, hence the odd angle. […]
19 Jun 2007