Shop Signs
East End shop fronts exhibition profiled on Spitalfields Life
Photo: Alan Dein Interview with Alan Dein and more preview images of this exhibition on the Spitalfiends Life blog.
21 May 2012
Photographic exhibition of East End shop fronts opens today
I’m gutted I won’t be able to visit this exhibition (pdf flyer below) of Alan Dein‘s late 1980s images of shop fronts in Tower Hamlets. If anyone writes a review then let me know and I’ll link to it here. (Hat tip to Lorna at History Workshop Online for the discovery.) Download exhibition poster.
17 May 2012
Graphic DNA documents the visual language of the street
I’ve recently been in regular contact with Geraldine Marshall whose project, Graphic DNA, caught my attention. It is the topic of her PhD thesis, under the supervision of Dr Caroline Archer. I took the opportunity, before she gets too busy, to ask Geraldine some questions at her base in the Midlands, from mine in South […]
25 Mar 2012
Now you see me, now you don’t: London’s elusive shop signs
Nice article here about the brief reveal, and more extended cover up, of some of London’s beautiful hand painted shop signs. In some ways they are being preserved, but they could be equally be showcased. They represent the skills of signwiters such as the contemporary Peter Hardwicke. Jane also covered a closely related topic in her account […]
29 Feb 2012