Vote Against Prohibition Ghostsign in Baltimore
This is the first ever example from the modern era that I’ve come across of hand painted advertising on buildings used for political purposes. There are the ancient ghostsigns of Pompeii which I’ve written about before and also the murals of places like Nicaragua and Northern Ireland. This photo from Samuel Adam Johnson caught my eye […]
23 Jul 2012
Hand painted electioneering in Egypt
Will this one day become a ghostsign like the political slogans found in Pompeii? (Another piece of interesting signage news from the Egyptian elections here.)
24 May 2012
Will Bristol Ban Outdoor Advertising?
This article highlights a petition to ban outdoor advertising in Bristol which, if successful, would mean it joins Auckland and Sao Paolo among others. This Howard Gossage article offers perhaps one of the most compelling critiques of the outdoor format
26 Apr 2012