Mail Pouch
Writing Off the Wall: The Wholesale Removal of a Viennese Ghost Sign
Last summer an extraordinary project took place in Vienna, Austria, with the aim of removing an early-20th Century ghost sign for Adolf Grünsfeld, in its entirety, from its host wall. It’s end destination would be the permanent display at the city’s Wien Museum. Tom Koch, who produced this film documenting the project, has written about […]
12 Oct 2020
Ken Jones’ Butte Palimpsests
Dr Ken Jones has been doing an incredible job documenting the ghostsigns of America via his American Ghosts project. Not only does this involve detailed photographic documentation (see previous post on his process), but also pinning ghostsigns onto an ever-growing map. This now pinpoints thousands of examples and allows areas with high densities of signs […]
28 Jan 2017