Ira Coyne
Sign Painters: The movie, the book and the resurgence
The Sign Painter Movie is now on tour with dates booked in until November, including Scotland and New Zealand for those outside the film’s USA base. I was treated to a preview screening and also got my hands on the book that accompanies the film. This was immensely exciting following my tracking of the project […]
28 Jul 2013
Sign Painters book cover painted by Ira Coyne
The Signpainter Movie project have just released this cover design for the book to accompany the film. Hand painted by Ira Coyne (featured previously here) it has certainly whetted my appetite for the planned October launch date. Visit the project blog to read more about the book launch and current activities on the film. Looking […]
12 Jul 2012
Spirit (Ouija) Board lettering from Ira Coyne
This is one of a collection of brightly coloured Ouija boards from Ira Coyne on Faythe Levine’s blog. It appears that even spirits can swear when they want to…
20 Jun 2012