East End
East End Shops from Spitalfields Life
Spitalfields Life has published a series of pieces documenting East End shop fronts, in support of the campaign against the forthcoming rise in business rates across the area. I have picked one photo from each piece and would encourage a proper browse of all of them. Fascinating stuff! Alan Dein’s East End Shops John Claridge’s […]
4 Mar 2017
Paper & Bags: Spitalfields Mystery
Philip Marriage got in touch with the photograph above, taken in the Spitalfields area in 1985. It is part of a wider collection of archive photos that he has, many published on the Spitalfields Life blog here. Philip has been trying to pinpoint the locations of each of his photos, with some being easier than […]
6 Oct 2016
History Repeating: A Stunning Reveal on Bethnal Green Road
While creating this beautiful new signage for Casa Blue, Ash Bishop of The Brilliant Sign Co. alerted me to an astonishing discovery inside the premises of this newly converted bar. It is a fragment of some Victorian painted lettering, which Ash proposes dates from the 1880s or possibly 1890s. Check it out below or, even […]
29 Jan 2014
Then and now: shopfronts 1988 revisited
Via this review of the East End shopfronts exhibition happening now in Tower Hamlets, I came across this incredible site which is the work of Lady Lamo and her colleague Alabama. It retraces the steps that Alan Dein took in 1988 and documents what has become of the shops he photographed. The result is absolutely […]
3 Jun 2012
Photographic exhibition of East End shop fronts opens today
I’m gutted I won’t be able to visit this exhibition (pdf flyer below) of Alan Dein‘s late 1980s images of shop fronts in Tower Hamlets. If anyone writes a review then let me know and I’ll link to it here. (Hat tip to Lorna at History Workshop Online for the discovery.) Download exhibition poster.
17 May 2012