When letter-press meets hand painted advertising on walls: San Miguel Fresca posters
I’m briefly back in London and it is hard not to notice this poster campaign for San Miguel’s new summer beer, Fresca. (That might have something to do with the fact that 10,000 locations feature the work.) Created by the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi it has involved a collaboration with letter-press artist Alan Kitching to give a distinctive […]
Lovely painted wall in Sydney absinthe bar
Spotted on the BBC.
Can new Brickads Generate Income for Denver’s LoDo District? Discuss.
This popped up on twitter, considering the leasing of wall space as a means of generating income, community exposure and maintaining artistic heritage in LoDo, Denver. Lots of Collosal Media featured in addition to some lovely archive photography. I wonder if, with every new brickad that gets painted, something of the impact and novelty of […]
How-to guide for large scale hand painted advertising
Nice 11-part photo essay from Business Insider documenting the production of a 10-storey hand painted sign in New York. Text here, photos here, sign produced by Sky Tag.