16 Jul 2021

The Showcards Book

We are delighted to announce the publication of The Showcards Book: Mike Meyer Workshops, 2015–20. The book is a retrospective of Mike’s hand-painted promotional pieces for his workshops around the world, presented alongside comments on his sources of inspiration, the techniques used to produce them, and the memories they bring back.

Mike always says that his favourite sign is the next one he has to paint, but there’s lots to learn by looking back, reflecting on, and critiquing your own work. This is done within the pages of The Showcards Book to support all students of sign painting, and to help everyone remain grounded and humble in their work.

100 original hand-painted pieces are included, in addition to hand-lettered and illustrated chapter pages and titles throughout.


128 Pages, 120 Illustrations
Softcover, 172 x 250 mm (6.8″ x 9.8″) portrait; 430g (15.2oz)
Published by Better Letters
ISBN 978-0-9574630-3-5
£25 (discounted to £20 until 31 July 2021)

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